Venture Center received the certificate of merit in the Smart Incubator of the Year category at India Smart Utility Week (ISUW2019) organized by the India Smart Grid Forum. The certificate was in recognition of our incubation efforts as India’s largest inventive enterprises Incubator for Science and Technology based Startup Businesses.

Other News and Updates:
Ashutosh Prachand from the IP Facilitation Center at Venture Center has cleared the Indian Patent Agent Examination.
The Scientific Lab team at Venture Center partnered with BMek to win honors at the Zeiss Image Processing Contest for the best coding project using image processing and machine learning. Their workflow solution was shortlisted among the top 5!
Smita Kale from the incubation team was invited to speak on “Opportunities in biotechnology, biomedical engineering, renewable fuels and biomedical services” at the AIC ALEAP WE-HUB one day awareness program.
New Team Members at Venture Center